Monday, January 4, 2010

upgrading work in process [FINISHED]

so, this is what i'm doing instead of studying....

and DONE!!

i thought of tidying up the labels, however that would require so much work.... but with exception to all posts concerning flumpool-only for those i made sure they are properly labeled. it seems like i write about them for average once a month(dangerous fandom, it swallows my homework time)

so, new snail, and bigger~ heheh, somehow snail leaves an impression into me, so it stays. but for keeping the sidebar same as before is quite a hassle coz everything has to be done all over. and moved from classic template to the new one so it took quite a time. but i love i got the links for other blogs in order now. see, how expert i am in distracting myself from my real obligation..... hmmm

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